Download StaffShift and use the Available Shifts Feature Now

Download StaffShift and use the Available Shifts Feature Now

As a Specialist Nurse, you have many responsibilities. Mayfair understands that our Candidates are very busy. Wouldn’t it be lovely to manage your diary more proactively? 

To take any stress and uncertainty out of planning your shifts, we are excited to announce the launch of the brand new Available Shifts feature, on our StaffShift app.

We are currently working on the iOS and desktop version of the app - we’ll let you know when it is released.

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Bank Holiday Deadlines – May 2019

Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming 2019 May bank holiday period.

1. Bank Holiday Deadlines – MAY 2019

Bank Holiday Pay Period (Weekending) Deadline For T/S Submission To Ensure Payment On
Monday 05/05/2019 Midday Friday Friday
06/05/2019 (shifts up to 03/05/19) 03/05/2019 10/05/2019
Monday 26/05/2019 Midday Friday Friday
27/05/2019 (shifts up to 23/03/19) 24/05/2019 31/05/2019

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email (


In order to ensure we can pay you promptly, over this period, we need to notify you that we will be operating reduced hours with regards to our phone lines for payroll queries and as follows:

Date Phone Line Opening Hours
Friday 3rd May 2019 09:00-12:00
Monday 6th May 2019 CLOSED
Tuesday 7th May 2019 09:00-15:00
Wednesday 8th May 2019 CLOSED AS NORMAL
Friday 24th May 2019 09:00-12:00
Monday 27th May 2019 CLOSED
Tuesday 28th May 2019 09:00-15:00
Wednesday 29th May 2019

A24 Group Payroll Team 


Dear Agency Worker


Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming 2019 Good Friday and Easter Monday bank holiday period.

1. Bank Holiday Deadlines – GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER MONDAY 2019

Bank Holiday Pay Period (Weekending) Deadline For T/S Submission To Ensure Payment On
Friday 14/04/2019 Midday Friday Thursday
19/04/2019 (shifts up to 11/04/19 ) 12/04/2019 18/04/2019
Monday 21/04/2019 Midday Thursday Friday
22/04/2019 (shifts up to 17/04/19) 18/04/2019 26/04/2019

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email (


In order to ensure we can pay you promptly, over this period, we need to notify you that we will be operating reduced hours with regards to our phone lines for payroll queries and as follows:

Date Tuesday 16th April 2019

Tuesday 16th April 2019
Wednesday 17th April 2019 CLOSED AS NORMAL
Thursday 18th April 2019 09:00 to 12:00
Friday 19th April 2019 CLOSED
Monday 22nd April 2019 CLOSED
Tuesday 23rd April 2019 09:00-13:00
Wednesday 24th April 2019 CLOSED AS NORMAL
Thursday 25th April 2019 BACK TO NORMAL OPENING HOURS

3. NEST Auto-Enrolment Pension 

This is a reminder that if you are a member of the Auto – Enrolment Pension Scheme with NEST, your contributions will automatically increase to 4% (net) from 5th April 2019.

In addition to this, employer contributions will rise to 3% and the Governments contributions will rise to 1%.

Finding out more about NEST   

If you’d like to know more about NEST you can visit their website at NEST’s contact details are NEST Nene Hall Lynch Wood Business Park Peterborough PE2 6FY.

Member enquiries: 0300 020 0393 or Email:

You can also get general information on pensions and saving for later life at  

A24 Group Payroll Team


Dear Agency Worker


Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment over the upcoming Bank Holiday period:


Timesheet 1.JPG

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email ( by the relevant weekly deadline detailed above.


Payroll phone line opening hours are as follows:

Timesheet 2.JPG

Thank you and all the best for the upcoming Holiday period.

Best Regards, A24 Group Payroll Team

Increase your work opportunities by 95%

Staff shift.jpg

Did you know it only it takes 15 seconds to update your availability on and it could increase your chances of receiving shifts by 95%.

When we are coordinating shifts with our clients it requires the most efficient and timely feedback to our Clients, therefore it is imperative that we always have your current availability which ensures that we’re able to offer you shifts quickly.

If you do not have access to a desktop or laptop, we cater to your requirements with our Free - Staffshift Mobile application for iOS & Android.

For Android you can Download the app now from your Google Play Store

For iOS you can Download the app now from your App Store

Take advantage of this opportunity today!

Communicating in a healthcare setting with people who have hearing loss

Healthcare staff in provision of services rendered need to obtain information and give advice, and patients need to ask questions and share their concerns. Therefore, to provide a thorough service for hearing impaired patients, it is of paramount importance that their communication needs are acknowledged and addressed by those responsible for the providing healthcare service.

Read More

Social media and its influence in healthcare


Today, through the use of the World Wide Web, information sharing is highly prevalent in social media. It is therefore vital for healthcare officials to be social savvy to avoid patient imbreachment.

It is, however, deemed important that healthcare officials consider whether their social posts are tied to professional practice to avoid harming their professional careers due to unethical use of social media.

The Nursing & Midwifery Council shares guidance on how to use social media responsibility. 


29 November 2017

Dear Agency Worker


Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment over the upcoming Bank Holiday period:


Screenshot 2017-12-19 07.04.11.png

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email ( by the relevant weekly deadline detailed above.


In order to ensure we can pay you promptly, over this period, we need to notify you that we will be operating reduced hours with regards to our phone lines for payroll queries and as follows:

Screenshot 2017-12-19 07.04.16.png

Thank you and all the best for the upcoming Holiday period.

Best Regards, A24 Group Payroll Team

Bank Holiday Deadlines – CHRISTMAS 2016 / NEW YEAR 2017

02 November 2016

Dear Agency Worker

Bank Holiday Deadlines – CHRISTMAS 2016 / NEW YEAR 2017

Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming 2016/2017 bank holiday periods.

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email ( as follows:


Please note the following regarding bank holiday shifts

Due to Christmas Day and New Year’s Day falling at the weekend (and therefore not Bank Holidays), please ensure you check with your booking consultant if the bank holiday rates apply.

2. Payroll queries – Phone line opening hours

In order to ensure we can pay you promptly over this period we need to notify you that we will be operating reduced hours with regards to our payroll phone lines for payroll queries, as follows:

Please note:  Our payroll telephone lines are not usually open on Wednesdays.

Best Regards, A24 Group Payroll Team

Bank Holiday Deadline – Monday 29 August 2016

FAO: All A24 Group Agency Workers

Bank Holiday Deadline – Monday 29 August 2016

Dear Agency Worker

Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming August 2016 bank holiday period.

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email ( as follows:

Thank you and best regards

A24 Group Payroll Team

Bank Holiday deadlines - May Day & Spring

Dear Agency Worker,

Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming May Day and Spring 2016 bank holiday periods.

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL.) or email ( as follows:

End of Tax Year 2015/2016 - P60

Pay date 01 April 2016 (tax week 52), is the last week of the tax year 2015/2016.

We will be posting the P60s throughout the months of April and May. All P60s will be sent out by 31st May 2016 so please do not
call or email before as you will receive it by this date.

It is vital that the P60 is retained as it provides proof that payment of tax and national insurance has been paid for the period of

Thank you and Best Regards,
A24 Group Payroll Team

New feature available on Staffshift


Candidates on android can now view all their upcoming shift details on our easy to use app to help manage your work calendar. This new feature will allow you to have easy access to where and when you’re working 7 days in advance. Remember that you can also update your availability on the go using the app.

For those of you who are not currently registered, or if you have not yet received your Staffshift invite please email us at and we will be in touch. All candidates registered with A24 Group are eligible for an invite.

Visit Playstore to download the app:

This feature will soon be available on IOS.

About Staffshift:

View your Staffshift availability calendar for the next 7 days right from your phone. Simply download, login and update your calendar!

Staffshift,, is a web based platform for your online career profile. Simplify your life and connect with multiple agencies through us. If you are not currently registered with Staffshift and you know your agency is a part of Staffshift contact them to set you up and get access to our fantastic features.

Being a busy professional you need a quick, easy and convenient tool that will allow you to update your availability instantly. We understand that your availability for work can change at any given moment so quick access to update it is important.

Update and view your availability for the next 7 days.
View your upcoming shifts for the next 7 days.
Receive automated reminders to update your availability

BANK HOLIDAY DEADLINES- Good Friday & Easter 2016

Dear Agency Worker,

 Bank Holiday Deadlines – GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER 2016 Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming Good Friday and Easter 2016 bank holiday periods.

Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email ( as follows:

Please also note the following regarding the deadline for w/e 27/03/16:

1. Timesheets submission – end of Tax year 2015/2016, weekending 27/03/2016 (shifts including Sunday 27 March 2016).

*Weekending 27/03/2016 is the last week of the Tax Year 2015/2016 so please ensure you submit all timesheets up to Sunday 27 March 2016 into us well before 09:30am Monday 28 March 2016 deadline (this may reduce the amount of tax you pay at the beginning of the new tax year 2016/17). If you are working for the whole of the previous week, please send in your timesheets as you complete shifts rather than trying to send them all on the Monday morning following that week’s work. Due to the tight timescales Payroll will be processing timesheets as they come in, to ensure we can pay you promptly on Friday 1 April 2016.

2. Payroll – Telephone calls

In order to ensure we can pay you promptly, we need to notify you that we will not be taking Payroll calls on Tuesday 29 March 2016. Lines will re-open at 9am on Thursday 31 March 2016.

Thank you and Best Regards A24 Group Payroll Team 

Bank Holiday Deadlines Christmas 2015/ NEW YEAR 2016

FAO: All A24 Group Agency Workers
01 December 2015\

Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming 2015/2016 bank holiday periods. Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL) or email ( as follows:

Please also note the following regarding the above deadlines:

1.*Shifts worked up to Weekending 03/01/2016
Please try to get as many of your timesheets in to us as soon as possible and well before the deadline for this week – i.e.- please send in timesheets as soon as you have worked a shift for this weekending and please do not hold onto them, even if this results in submitting several timesheets for this particular week. Due to the tight timescales and Bank Holiday backlogs payroll will be processing timesheets as soon as they come in to ensure we can pay you promptly (on Friday 08 January 2016) for the work completed in the previous week.

2. Payroll queries – Phone line opening hours
In order to ensure we can pay you promptly over this period we need to notify you that we will be operating reduced hours with regards to our payroll phone lines for payroll queries, as follows:

Please note: Our payroll telephone lines are not usually open on Wednesdays.
Thank you for all of your hard work this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Best Regards, A24 Group Payroll Team


Staffshift Mobile

Here at Mayfair Specialist Nurses we understand how busy our Candidates schedules can be and now have an app for all the hard-working Candidates which can be updated easily. The major feature of this app is ‘Easy to use’. It allows our candidates to indicate their availability for shifts for up to 7 days in advance which are split into the standard Early, Late and Night availabilities within the calendar. Our candidates are able to see when they are booked and easily see what additional shifts they may be available for. Scheduling can take a lot of your time and energy. Fortunately, there’s a better way, download Staffshift Mobile now!

As a Healthcare Professional, you have many responsibilities, let our Staffshift Mobile application allow you to manage your diary more proactively. When we are co-ordinating shift requirements with our clients it requires the utmost efficiency and timely feedback to our Clients. With our Candidates having a simple mobile application to ensure their availability is always current ensures that we will have the benefit of being able to fill shifts quickly. 

  • Shift Planning of your availability for work which will enable Mayfair Specialist Nurses to see your availability and call you for shifts according to your indicated preferences. The calendar will allow you to update for up to 7 days in advance.

  • Accessible, Staffshift Mobile is at your fingertips, log in and update your availability on the go which is an immediate update to Mayfair Specialist Nurses.

  • Fast, friendly, helpful support from our offices, we are available 365/24/7.

  • Accommodate a variety of Staff, if you are a Nurse or a Caregiver this simple app will work for you.

  • System requirements, you will need iOS 7 or later and for Android you will need Android 4 or above in order for Staffshift Mobile to be supported by your mobile device.

  • Cost of the Staffshift Mobile application is FREE!

For Android you can Download the app now from your Google Play Store
For iOS you can Download the app now from your App Store 

We are automatically sending invites for registration to Staffshift for Mayfair Specialist Nurses candidates in the next week, once you have registered your details you will be able to download Staffshift Mobile, log in with your Staffshift log in details and immediately begin to update your availability for work.
If you would like the invitation to join Staffshift sooner, you can inform your consultant and they will arrange for the invitation to be sent to you within 24 hours.
If you are not currently working with Mayfair Specialist Nurses, this is another advantage for you to join our Agency now, with one registration you will be eligible for work with the 5 Agencies under the A24 Group.
Register now to take advantage of great work opportunities.

Speeding up the payment of your eTimesheets

Dear A24 Group Member

Unfortunately we’ve been experiencing a number of issues regarding electronic timesheet payments for bookings carried out at NHS Trusts that use eTimesheets.
Some NHS Trusts have elected to use this system as it allows them to closely control their agency usage and spend. Ward managers have been instructed to only “Authorise” bookings where they can clearly see the agency worker completed the assignment that they were booked for.  In most cases delays in payment are on the Trust’s side and result when ward managers do not have sufficient information to confirm your attendance and “Authorise” your timesheet for payment. Payroll and your bookings consultant will always work with you and the relevant ward manager/s to resolve these issues speedily BUT in most cases the delays can be avoided if you follow the guidance below.
Feedback from these Trusts highlights that there are four main issues that delay their authorisation of your shifts:

  • The Agency Worker did not sign the “Agency Book” on the ward to state their start time when they began their shift *** Please Note: Some wards also require you to sign out also.
  • The Agency Worker is asked to change wards, due to a changing need at the Trust, and they do not sign the “Agency Book” on the original ward to state where they were moved to.
  • The Agency Worker is asked to change wards and they do not sign the “Agency Book” on the new ward to state the start time and the ward they were moved from.
  • The Agency Worker works a shift that has not been added to the online booking portal on the wards.


  • Once you arrive for your shift, it is your responsibility to sign the “agency book”. Always ask a member of staff to initial next to your name (this is normally done by the ward manager, ward sister or ward clerk to acknowledge that you have arrived for your shift).
  • Politely insist that they sign the book at the time because as you know wards can be busy places and they may forget causing delays in your pay.
  • Always note where you were asked to move to and from in the “agency book” books on both wards. This leaves a paper trail to help us get you paid quickly after the shift. This normally results in new booking reference numbers being generated of the Trust’s booking system as each ward is treated as a separate shift when it comes to payments.
  • When you have concluded your shift and ready to leave the ward politely ask the ward sister if they could “Authorise” your timesheet.
  • In the event that you arrive on a ward and they say the shift you were booked for has been cancelled (this is rare but can happen for a number of reasons) and they then offer to keep you on to work or move you to a different ward to work then it is important they create a new booking for you on the system that can be later “Authorised”. Please let your consultant know in this instance.


To allow us enough time to process payments for the Friday after the booking was carried out, for client s using the eTimesheets our payroll cut off for “Authorised” eTimesheets is Monday at 3pm. In the event the trust authorises your timesheet after this time the timesheet will be processed in the following week’s payroll run.

To ensure streamlining of payment we also urge candidates to inform us if they have been moved from one ward to another at the client. This way we can update our systems to reflect the correct booking for each candidate and timesheet.
By following the above guidance you will help us get you paid as quickly as possible. However, if you do experience issues with payments for bookings carried out at eTimesheet clients. Please call your consultant to see if the ward has “authorised” your shift.

Best Regards
A24 Group Payroll Team