NMC Revalidation; process and tips

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have finalised the revalidation process for nurses and midwives in order to remain on the register. As an integral part of our organization we would like to clarify and remind you of your obligation as a registered healthcare professional to ensure that your registration remains active.

As a member of the A24Group your active registration is of the utmost importance to us and we would therefore like to raise the awareness of this process and offer our support.

Contact us for guidance on NMC Revalidation 

What is revalidation?

Revalidation is the process that allows you to maintain your registration with the NMC. It is a continuous process to demonstrate your ability to continue to practice safely.

Every three years all nurses and midwives will be asked to apply for revalidation using the NMC online system as a means of keeping their registration active.

Completing the revalidation process is your responsibility as the registered nurse, however the A24Group will assist where applicable.

What’s Required and how we will be able to offer our support:

450 practice hours for a nurse and midwife or 900 hours if practicing as both

  • Contract of registration which stipulates the total amount of hours you completed via the A24Group.

  • The letter of registration will stipulate your designation to confirm your scope of practice.

  • Evidence hours of mandatory training conducted (where applicable) and/or store and supply all training certificates.

  • Store and provide evidence of both participatory and online training completed via the A24Group.

5 pieces of practice related feedback

  • Annual performance appraisals feedback.

  • Feedback from patients, service users and clients whom you have undertaken assignments with the A24Group.

  • Interview feedback from your interview with the A24Group.

5 written reflective accounts

  • Self-reflective feedback provided during the annual performance appraisals on your job role in its entirety.

  • Reflection on feedback received post mandatory training sessions.

Health and Character Declaration

Professional Indemnity Arrangement

  • As this is only reserved for internal employees, you are obligated to evidence you professional indemnity independently.

35 Hours of CPD (continuing practical development) with 20 hours being participatory learning (face to face/classroom based)

Visit NMC website and download the relevant PDFs to find more information on how to revalidate as a nurse. Use this link for guidance on how to revalidate with the NMC.

We are assisting agency workers with appraisals, which can be used as part of your portfolio to submit for revalidation, as well as issuing you with feedback forms, which you can take to clients you are working at for the agency in order to get practice-related feedback. You can then send this back to us and we will load this onto your agency profile for safe keeping.

Ensure all evidence of client feedback is verifiable with either a stamp, letterhead or complimentary slip.