Bank Holiday Deadlines – Easter and May 2015

Dear Agency Worker

Please take note of the following to ensure prompt payment during the upcoming 2015 bank holiday periods. Please make sure that your timesheets arrive at the Head Office by post, hand delivered (92-96 Lind Road, Sutton, SM1 4PL), or email: as follows:

Please also note the following regarding the deadline for w/e 29/03/15:
1. Timesheet submission – end of Tax Year 2014/2015, weekending 29/03/15(shifts including Sunday 29 March 2015).
*Weekending 29/03/15 is the last week of the Tax Year 2014/2015 so please get your timesheets into us well before 09.30am Monday 30 March 2015 deadline.

For example: If you are working for the whole of the week previous, please send in your timesheets as you complete shifts rather than try to send them all on the Monday morning following that week’s work. Due to the tight timescales Payroll will be processing timesheets as soon as they come in to ensure we can pay you promptly on Thursday 02 April 2015 for the work you have completed the previous week. 

Guidance for staff intending to travel to, or returning from, Ebola affected countries

Existing staff who have visited Ebola affected countries - this will mainly apply to those who have visited affected countries for the purpose of charity and/or healthcare work.The on-going outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, primarily affecting Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization. This is the largest outbreak of this disease to ever happen. 

Ebola is a severe and life threatening viral disease caused by the Ebola virus. The onset of illness is sudden, with fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, sore throat and intense weakness. This is then followed by diarrhea, vomiting, rash, impaired kidney and liver function and stomach pain. Some patients may develop a rash, red eyes, hiccups, internal and external bleeding.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is fatal in between 50 to 90% of all clinically ill cases. Ebola is spread through direct contact with blood and body fluids from infected people. The incubation period ranges from 2 to 21 days. Anyone who has close contact with a person infected with the virus, or someone who handles samples from patients are at risk. This includes hospital staff, family members and laboratory workers, all of whom are at risk if they do not use appropriate protective equipment / barrier nursing techniques. These precautions include wearing protective gowns, gloves, and masks, in addition to wearing eye protection (e.g. eye goggles) or a face shield.

The government advises against all but essential travel to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea except for those involved in the direct response to the Ebola outbreak. It remains unlikely but not impossible that travellers infected in one of the affected countries could arrive in the UK while incubating the disease and develop symptoms after their return. Although the likelihood of imported cases is very low, travellers returning to the UK from the affected areas, particularly those who have been involved in health care overseas, need to remain vigilant.

For staff who are planning to visit Ebola affected countries:

The agency requests that staff follow FCO advice and do not place themselves at risk of infection. The agency recognises that some staff may have family in one of the affected countries but it does not consider essential travel to include, for example, visiting family at Christmas. If staff choose not to follow the FCO advice and travel to one of the affected countries, this may then result in work restrictions and / or exclusion upon return as noted in the scenarios below.

All staff who travel to one of the Ebola affected countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) irrespective of the reason for travel (personal or work related) must contact the agency prior to leaving the UK and on return to the UK, prior to their return to work.

Existing staff who have visited Ebola affected countries - this will mainly apply to those who have visited affected countries for the purpose of charity and/or healthcare work.

If no healthcare work was undertaken whilst in one of the Ebola affected countries, and staff had no direct contact with a known or suspected Ebola, including attending a funeral, staff should:

  • Inform the agency prior to departure 
  • Monitor their health / temperature for 21 days from leaving the affected country
  • If the staff member becomes unwell with symptoms such as fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat or rash within 21 days of coming back from Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone, they should stay at home and immediately telephone 111 or 999 and explain that they have recently visited West Africa. These services will initiate the appropriate care pathway.
  • They must keep in touch with the agency prior to return to work.

If healthcare work was undertaken abroad or the staff member had direct contact with an Ebola case e.g. routine medical / nursing care but wore appropriate protective clothing with no known breaches in the personal protective equipment (PPE), the staff member should:

  • Inform the agency prior to departure
  • Check temperature twice daily for 21 days after return and report any raised temperature or other suspicious symptoms to the monitoring team at Public Health England (PHE).
  • Must provide Occupational Health with documentary evidence from their Voluntary Aid agency / affiliated health care institution who organised the overseas placement outlining the extent of their exposure and specific detail regarding the PPE used.
  • Contact the agency prior to return to work.
  • Staff member will be able to return to work after 21 days and monitoring completed.

If healthcare work was undertaken abroad or the staff member had direct contact with an Ebola case and may have had unprotected exposure of skin or mucous membranes to potentially infectious blood or body fluids, including on clothing or bedding, for example:

  • Unprotected handling of clinical/lab specimens
  • Mucosal exposure to splashes
  • Needlestick injury
  • Kissing and / or sexual contact

The staff member should:

  • Inform the agency prior to departure.
  • Check temperature twice daily for 21 days after return and REPORT DAILY to the monitoring Team at Public Health England (PHE) even if the temperature is normal and the staff member is not experiencing any suspicious symptoms.

Staff member will be able to return to work after 21 days and monitoring is completed.

For more information about the Ebola virus disease, see:

Government UK
NHS Choices: Ebola and Overview
Ebola virus disease: clinical management and guidance
Ebola virus disease: information for humanitarian aid workers

Neonatal Specialist Nursing

Mayfair seeks qualified Neonatal nursing candidates to work in specialist neonatal units, within maternity and children's hospitals, and in the community

Mayfair is in contact with major employers of neonatal nurses and provides agency nurses as a result of illness or holiday absence or continuing staff shortages. The agency is usually able to provide posts at short notice for short or longer periods of placement.

Candidates are advised to speak to Mayfair consultants on a regular basis and also to keep their on-line diaries up to date.

Neonatal nurses working with Mayfair care for new-born babies who are premature or born with an illness. There are a wide range of conditions that can affect new-born babies and require treatment from specialists within the multidisciplinary healthcare team.

Premature babies may have particular problems such as respiratory or other difficulties that may be life threatening if not treated promptly and appropriately by specialist teams. Additionally, the nutritional needs of sick and premature babies will require specialist support.

The neonatal nurse also has the important role of supporting the parent or parents of the baby at a time when they are probably very anxious and stressed. As far as possible, the parents and sometimes other family members are encouraged to take an active part in the care of the baby.

Mayfair registers qualified neonatal nurses for temporary assignments, who usually have a background as an adult or children’s nurse or midwife.

Neonatal nursing training programmes are usually delivered as CPD continuing professional development. They contain a range of modules, which specialise in different aspects of neonatal nursing.

Programmes are normally delivered in partnership with higher education institutions and also health care trusts. They may be available online, which offer the opportunity for distance learning.

As well as the general skills needed to be a nurse, candidate neonatal nurses require good interpersonal skills:- empathy: an understanding and relationship with the parents and other family members, a genuine interest in babies, understanding of the physiological and psychological needs of the new-born baby, the experience and competence to work in a highly technical area, the ability and willingness to work effectively in a multidisciplinary team.

Work opportunities
At Mayfair we continue to have positions available nationwide, due to the shortage of staff working as neonatal nurses. The agency has positions in all regions and areas: London, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bradford, Sheffield and Belfast.

Sutton Head Office
Mayfair Specialist Nurses
Group House,
92 - 96 Lind Road,
Sutton, Surrey,

Meeting Standards for Nursing & Care Agencies: New CQC Report

A24 Group nursing and care agencies, which includes Mayfair Specialist Nurses, are registered with the UK's Care Quality Commission. They are regularly inspected to ensure they meet the National Minimum Standards for nursing and domiciliary care agencies.

These external checks complement our own program of internal reviews and audits that help ensure all our nursing agencies are operating to the very highest levels of care. To find out more about the CQC's inspection of A24 Group, you can see the latest report here on the provision of care to people in their own homes - or visit the Care Quality Commission website.

The new report inspected service provision in the following key areas:

1. Care and welfare of people who use services
People should get safe and appropriate care that meets their needs and supports their rights.

2. Cooperating with other providers
People should get safe and coordinated care when they move between different services.

3. Requirements relating to workers
People should be cared for by staff who are properly qualified and able to do their job.

4. Staffing
There should be enough members of staff to keep people safe and meet their health and welfare needs.

5. Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision
The service should have quality checking systems to manage risks and assure the health, welfare and safety of people who receive care.

6. Records
People’s personal records, including medical records, should be accurate and kept safe and confidential.

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Support for Specialist Nurses at Mayfair Nursing Agency

Mayfair Specialist Nurses offers excellent job choice, pay and support to a range of #SpecialistNurses - Click here to view our Pay Rates.

The agency recognises the special skills and experience of nurses who have sought extra training in specialist fields, to provide dedicated support.

Specialist nurses are dedicated to a particular area of nursing. They care for patients suffering from long-term conditions and diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, chronic heart failure and dementia. Nurses provide direct patient care and play a vital role in educating patients on how to manage their symptoms - as well as offering support following diagnosis. Often the involvement of a specialist nurse may prevent patients being re-hospitalised.

#TheatreNurses #SCBU #RenalDialysis #PICU #Paediatrics #ODP #NICU #Midwives #Dentalnurses

Our web pages show the pay scales for the nursing and HCAs candidate positions at Mayfair. Please note that to work and be paid as a specialist nurse, you will need to provide certificates that demonstrate your specialist skills - and also have a minimum of one year’s experience in the specialisations.

For more information:

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New Branch For Mayfair Specialist Nurses in Essex

The Mayfair specialist nurse staffing team are thrilled with the local office that has just opened in Essex – at: 
Suite 1
Broadway Chambers
High Road
Pitsea, Essex
SS13 3AS.

As the name of the agency states, Mayfair is a provider of high quality specialist nurses to private and NHS hospitals in Essex. We need specialist nurses immediately, particularly if you work in any of the following specialisms: ICU, Accident and Emergency, Theatre, Scrub or HDU. Please contact us or email and register today.

Mayfair offers excellent rates of pay to our specialist nurses. The agency team are available to ensure that you receive all the help that you may need as an agency nurse or HCA.

Mayfair runs a range of annual training courses for its registered agency nurses at prices from just £10 for on-line web learning.

Nurses’ training includes: Basic Life Support, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, Health and Safety (1974 and 1999 Acts) including Risk Incident Reporting, COSHH, RIDDOR, Infection Control and Lone Worker. Also Handling of Violence and aggression, Food Safety, Information Governance, Data Protection & Caldicott and POVA

For more information:

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You can also visit our Facebook Page, follow us on Twitter or add us to your circles on Google+.

Mayfair Specialist Nurses: Nursing Agency Jobs for Cardiothoracic Nurses

In July Mayfair Specialist Nurses is recruiting Cardiothoracic nurses. Amongst the leading UK nursing agencies, Mayfair specialises in a wide range of nurses jobs including ITU, HDU, CCU Coronary Care Unit/ Cardiac, Theatre, ODP, Paediatrics, PICU, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff.

Mayfair runs a range of annual training courses for its registered agency nurses at prices from just £8.23 for on-line web learning. Nurses training includes: Basic Life Support, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, Health and Safety (1974 and 1999 Acts) including Risk Incident Reporting, COSHH, RIDDOR, Infection Control, Lone worker, Handling of Violence and aggression, Food Safety, Information Governance, Data Protection & Caldicott and POVA.

Mayfair was formed in 1998 to engage Cardiothoracic and other specialist healthcare staff for their individual professional skills and experience. Mayfair specialises in understanding the specific staffing requirements of each healthcare service provider and then matching the brief from the available skills and knowledge of the medical staff who are registered with the UK nursing agencies in the group.

Service features for Cardiothoracic and other medical staff, says director Adam Streeter, include identifying the right assignment for the professional concerned to ensure work needs and choices are met consistently, in every placement. Professional and personal support is provided so that, as one of the leading UK nursing agencies, Mayfair can ensure each assignment is the right choice for the nurse and the client concerned.

Mayfair has Cardiothoracic nurses jobs in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland – including Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Coventry, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester; Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland and Wakefield.

Register with Mayfair for all nursing agency jobs specialisations in addition to Cardiothoracic – the range includes ITU, HDU, CCU/Cardiac, Theatre, ODP, Paediatrics, PICU, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff.

For further information:

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Mayfair Specialist Nurses: Jobs for Paediatric Nursing Staff

Mayfair Specialist Nurses is recruiting Paediatrics nurses. Amongst the leading UK nursing agencies,Mayfair specialises in a wide range of nurses jobs including ITU, HDU, CCU Coronary Care Unit/ Cardiac, Cardiothoracic, Theatre, ODP, PICU, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff. To start your registration simply click here and our advisors will contact you!

Paediatrics nursing as an agency nurse takes place in hospitals, day care centres, child health clinics and in the child’s home. Like other branches of nursing, care is becoming more community-based. Children’s nurses will work as part of a team which includes doctors, hospital play staff, radiographers, healthcare assistants, newborn hearing screeners, psychologists and social workers.

Mayfair was established in 1998 to supply agency Paediatrics and other specialist healthcare staff, based on their individual professional skills and experience. Mayfair specialises in understanding the specific staffing requirements of each healthcare service provider and then matching the brief from the available skills and knowledge of the medical staff who are registered with the UK nursing agencies in the group.

Main service features for Paediatrics and other medical staff, says the agency, include a focus on identifying the right assignment for the professional concerned to ensure work needs and choices are met consistently, in every placement. Professional and personal support is provided so that, as one of the leading UK nursing agencies, Mayfair can ensure each assignment is the right choice for the nurse and the client concerned.

Mayfair has Paediatrics nurses jobs in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland – in Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Coventry, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester; Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland and Brighton.

Register with Mayfair for all nursing agency jobs specialisations in addition to Paediatrics – the range includes ITU, HDU, CCU/Cardiac, Cardiothoracic, Theatre, ODP, PICU, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff.

Non-verbal communication skills, and the ability to play sensitively with a child are vital for nursing children. Equally nurses have to be confident at handling any distress of parents. Agency nurses may need to teach the child’s parents or carers what may need to be done to carry on with treatment at home.

Mayfair runs a range of annual training courses for its registered agency nurses at prices from just £10 for on-line web learning. Nurses training includes: Basic Life Support, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, Health and Safety (1974 and 1999 Acts) including Risk Incident Reporting, COSHH, RIDDOR, Infection Control, Lone worker, Handling of Violence and aggression, Food Safety, Information Governance, Data Protection & Caldicott and POVA too.

For more information:

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Now CRB Renewal in just Nine Days on Mayfair Specialist Nurses Web

Agency nurses can now apply for CRB Criminal records Bureau checks on the internet with the Mayfair Specialist Nurses following the release of the latest application update of the agency’s web-based system, A24 Connect.

This new advance in CRB renewal will speed up dramatically the turnaround of Criminal Records checks, the agency says, to ensure that all its registered medical staff remain compliant and are able to work at all times. Mayfair Specialist Nurses, a division of the A24 Group, estimates that renewals will take from just nine days, where there are no previous convictions or cautions present on the applicant’s record.

The requirement by the NHS is that all agency workers must hold an enhanced CRB disclosure that is less than 12 months old. With current delays within the CRB system, says the agency, this has meant that some candidates currently have to re-apply four months before expiration.

Agency workers registered with Mayfair Specialist Nurses, can apply by logging onto A24connect, the unique web portal that enables medical staff to access work information and interact with the agency online 24 hours a day. Web visitors are prompted if their CRB certification is due for renewal and can then complete an on-line application form.

Agency staff simply log onto A24connect and follow the prompts to complete the online CRB application form. An electronic payment is then required for the CRB fee, currently £46.20. The agency countersigns the document once it is received and the application is automatically sent to the CRB. Candidates can log into A24 Connect to track progress at any time.

Mayfair Specialist Nurses, advises that with the introduction of the web-based service, applications on CRB printed forms cannot be accepted by the agency, and all submissions and payments must be on-line.

A24 Connect is an advanced web-based system that offers Agency nurses and HCAs an on-line work diary and range of advanced service features to help personnel to save time and ensure compliance. Candidates can update their availability for work, change bank information, download timesheets, view their compliance status, manage work history and references, and provide feedback.

Penny Streeter OBE is managing director of the A24 Group, which employs a dedicated development team of 18 software developers.

“This is a further stage in our constant investment in healthcare staffing technology and services – to ensure that we remain the leading agency group. We’re one of the largest users of the Criminal Records Bureau and process in excess of 900 enhanced disclosures every month and have worked with the bureau to develop our CRB online module.”

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Agency Jobs for Theatre Nurses at Mayfair

Nursing agency Mayfair Specialist Nurses is recruiting Theatre nurses. Amongst the leading UK nursing agencies, Mayfair specialises in a wide range of nurses jobs including ITU, HDU, CCU Coronary Care Unit/ Cardiac, Cardiothoracic, ODP, Paediatrics, PICU, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff.

Currently Mayfair runs a range of annual training courses for its registered agency nurses at prices from just £10 for on-line web learning. Nurses training includes the following: Basic Life Support, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, Health and Safety (1974 and 1999 Acts) including Risk Incident Reporting, COSHH, RIDDOR, Infection Control, Lone worker, Handling of Violence and aggression, Food Safety, Information Governance, Data Protection & Caldicott and POVA.

Mayfair was established in 1998 to engage Theatre and other specialist healthcare staff for their individual professional skills and experience. Mayfair specialises in understanding the specific staffing requirements of each healthcare service provider and then matching the brief from the available skills and knowledge of the medical staff who are registered with the UK nursing agencies in the group.

Service features for Theatre and other medical staff, says director Adam Streeter, include a focus on identifying the right assignment for the professional concerned to ensure work needs and choices are met consistently, in every placement. Professional and personal support is provided so that, as one of the leading UK nursing agencies, Mayfair can ensure each assignment is the right choice for the nurse and the client concerned, he says.

Mayfair has Theatre nurses jobs in Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Coventry, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester; Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland and Wakefield.

For further information:

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Mayfair Nurses wins Highest Award in LPP London Procurement Programme For Nursing Agencies

Mayfair Nurses is awarded platinum status – the highest award – for a second consecutive year by the NHS London Procurement Programme (LPP). This follows a full compliance audit by the LPP, the national procurement partner for UK public services. The audit demonstrates the nursing agency’s commitment to supporting the NHS by ensuring the availability of high quality agency staff, cost-effectively, with secure compliance systems assured.

Audit processes focused on recruitment and compliance for temporary nursing staff placed in NHS Trusts through the London Procurement Programme framework. As a supplier on the LPP framework for nursing, the agency supplies nursing staff to hospital and primary care settings.

The agency has extensive experience in working with the NHS and has developed amongst the most advanced compliance systems in the sector to maximise safety in the recruitment, management and selection of nurses and HCA healthcare assistants for shifts, with a 24-7 service to meet all temporary staffing needs.  The agency’s compliance team has 50 staff dedicated exclusively to credentials checking.

Key features of the agency’s systems include the bespoke Enterprise ICT compliance system – with over 100,000 hours of development time over seven years. Agency worker registration includes mandatory face-to-face interviews; comprehensive credentials checks; CRB; completion of a 23-page career form; provision of four referees; and presentation of professional certification.

The on-going training for agency staff includes 13 mandatory courses annually, with 60 training events for 900 agency workers monthly. Compliance protection features daily system-generated ‘expiry reports’ of training dates; automated e-mail expiry reminders to agency workers; and automatic system exclusion of staff from booking in Enterprise if certification expires.

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Health Trust Europe Frameworks for Nursing in England

Mayfair Specialist Nurses has won a place on the Health Trust Europe Frameworks for Nursing in England.

Sales director Adam Streeter says that Mayfair Nurses looks forward to working hand in hand with the HTE teams and is confident that Mayfair Nurses will add tremendous value to the frameworks.

Mayfair specialises in temporary and longer placements for specialist nursing staff – including Theatre Nurses, Surgical, SCBU, Renal/ Dialysis, PICU, Paediatrics, ODP, NICU, Midwives, Dental Nurses, ITU, HDU, CCU and Cardiac nurses, Cardiothoracic, Acute Medical, and Accident and Emergency A&E.

For Further information: 

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Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust

Mayfair Specialist Nurses has become a preferred provider to Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust via Medacs healthcare.

Mayfair Specialist Nurses was established in 1998 to engage specialist healthcare staff for their individual professional skills and experience. Mayfair has gained a reputation amongst leading nursing agencies for its ability to quickly understand the specific staffing needs of each healthcare service provider client. The agency is able to match the staffing brief from the available skills and knowledge of the medical staffing personnel who are registered with the agency.

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Mayfair Fit

Mayfair Specialist Nurses`s sales director, Adam Streeter completed on Saturday 25th February 2012 a triathlon which involved him undertaking a 400m swim, a 12km mountain bike race, and a 5 km run. Adam completed these gruelling tasks which were mostly in sand and on steep hills in 2.5 hours. The Mayfair boss believes that sport and success are closely linked and is already planning further sporting activities this time with the whole of the Mayfair Team.  His progress can be followed on our Facebook Page. 

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Mayfair Specialist Nurses Agency for ODP Nurses Jobs

Nursing agency Mayfair Specialist Nurses is recruiting ODP nurses. Amongst the leading nursing agencies, Mayfair specialises in a wide range of nurses jobs including ITU, HDU, CCU Coronary Care Unit/ Cardiac, Cardiothoracic, Theatre, Paediatrics, PICU, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff too.

Operating department practitioners (ODPs) are an important part of the operating department team working with surgeons, anaesthetists and theatre nurses to help ensure every operation is as safe and effective as possible.

Mayfair was established in 1998 to engage ODP and other specialist healthcare staff for their individual professional skills and experience. Mayfair specialises in understanding the specific staffing requirements of each healthcare service provider and then matching the brief from the available skills and knowledge of the medical staff who are registered with the UK nursing agencies in the group.

A particular service feature for ODP and other medical staff, says director Adam Streeter, is that Mayfair consultants focus on identifying the right assignment for the professional concerned to ensure work needs and choices are met consistently, in every placement. Professional and personal support is provided so that, as one of the leading UK nursing agencies, Mayfair can ensure each assignment is the right choice for the nurse and the client concerned.

Mayfair has ODP nurses jobs in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland – in Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Coventry, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester; Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland and Wakefield.

Register with Mayfair for all nursing agency jobs specialisations in addition to ODP – the range includes ITU, HDU, CCU/Cardiac, Cardiothoracic, Theatre, Paediatrics, PICU, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff.

ODPs provide high standards of patient care and skilled support alongside medical and nursing colleagues during peri-operative care. The ODP therefore needs a broad knowledge and skill base including management and communication skills and will be involved with the assessment, delivery and evaluation of peri-operative care.

Also, Mayfair runs a range of annual training courses for its registered agency nurses at prices from just £10 for on-line web learning. Nurses training includes: Basic Life Support, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, Health and Safety (1974 and 1999 Acts) including Risk Incident Reporting, COSHH, RIDDOR, Infection Control, Lone worker, Handling of Violence and aggression, Food Safety, Information Governance, Data Protection & Caldicott and POVA. New course are regularly added.

For more information:

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Agency Workers Alert: Time for Free NHS Flu Jab

Mayfair Specialist Nurses is encouraging all UK healthcare workers to have the free NHS Flu jab for which all healthcare workers are eligible.

Frontline nurses, HCAs and other agency workers should protect themselves by having the flu vaccine to prevent the spread of flu to colleagues and other members of the community.

The 2012/13 UK vaccine protects against three types of flu virus, according to the NHS Cumbria Partnership. This year’s flu jab protects against:

  • H1N1 – the strain of flu that caused the swine flu pandemic in 2009
  • H3N2 – a strain of flu that can infect birds and mammals and was active in 2011
  • A strain of flu that was active in 2010 known as B/Wisconsin/1

Britons are the ‘most unhygienic nation’, according to a new report. Britons were half as likely as other nationals to cover their hands and mouth more frequently when coughing or sneezing during the swine flu pandemic, the study has suggested.

The findings were published in the journal ‘Lancet Infectious Diseases’. Dr Gillian Steel Fisher of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, in America, said: “The wide variations between countries in our study shows that in the event of another serious outbreak of infectious disease, public perceptions have to be taken into account to best tailor and communicate policy approaches that need public support in each country.

“Our findings suggest that promoting non-pharmaceutical interventions – such as handwashing and avoiding large public gatherings of people – do not jeopardise the adoption of vaccination, though the uptake of vaccines was low compared to other behaviours in all countries we surveyed.

“To maximise the effect of pandemic policies, future efforts might need to combine vaccination programmes with support for the most effective non-pharmaceutical interventions.”

For more information:

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PICU Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Nurses: Jobs with Mayfair Specialist Nurses

07 July 2013, London: Mayfair Specialist Nurses is recruiting PICU – Paediatric Intensive Care Unit – nurses. Amongst the leading nursing agencies, Mayfair specialises in a wide range of nurses jobs including ITU, HDU, CCU Coronary Care Unit/ Cardiac, Cardiothoracic, Theatre, ODP, Paediatrics, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff. 

Patients in PICU are cared for by a multi-disciplinary team of doctors, specialist nurses, technicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, dieticians, healthcare assistants and administrative support assistants. PICUs have close links to many other services including psychologists and the chaplaincy. Family-centred care encourages families to be an integral part of the team and present throughout their child’s stay.

Further information: please register your details on-line in the first instance by clicking here or visit our Facebook Page, Twitter profile or add us to your circles on Google+.

Today Mayfair runs a range of annual training courses for its registered agency nurses at prices from just £10 for on-line web learning. Nurses training includes: Basic Life Support, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, Health and Safety (1974 and 1999 Acts) including Risk Incident Reporting, COSHH, RIDDOR, Infection Control, Lone worker, Handling of Violence and aggression, Food Safety, Information Governance, Data Protection & Caldicott and POVA. For more information on training courses Click Here.

Mayfair was established in 1998 to engage PICU and other specialist healthcare staff for their individual professional skills and experience. Mayfair specialises in understanding the specific staffing requirements of each healthcare service provider and then matching the brief from the available skills and knowledge of the medical staff who are registered with the UK nursing agencies in the group.

A particular service feature for PICU and other medical staff, says the agency, is that Mayfair consultants focus on identifying the right assignment for the professional concerned to ensure work needs and choices are met consistently, in every placement. Professional and personal support is provided so that, as one of the leading UK nursing agencies, Mayfair can ensure each assignment is the right choice for the nurse and the client concerned.

Mayfair has PICU nurses jobs in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland – in Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Coventry, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester; Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland and Watford.

Register with Mayfair for all nursing agency jobs specialisations in addition to PICU – the range includes ITU, HDU, CCU/Cardiac, Cardiothoracic, Theatre, ODP, Paediatrics, SCBU, NICU, Renal/Dialysis, A&E, Acute Medical, Surgical, Midwives and Dental staff.