Banking Holidays Knock-on Affect. Timesheet Submission Deadlines Explained
It's important to stay up-to-date on banking holidays, as they can affect your financial plans. To help you keep track of upcoming dates, we've compiled a list of the most important banking holidays for 2023 – and a very important note to always ensure your timesheets are compiled and submitted timeously to avoid payment delays
Bank Holiday Deadlines 2023:
For the upcoming bank holiday periods we have made some changes to our timesheet submission deadline and phone call opening hours. Therefore, please make sure your timesheets arrive at the head office either by post to:
92-96 Lind Road, Sutton
or by email to: wages@a24group.
Timesheet Submission Deadlines
Please pay special attention to these dates, and ensure that you submit your timesheets timeously to avoid disappointment with regards to payment
Affected Trading Hours
Our normal phone line opening hours are Monday to Thursday 09:00 to 17:00, and Friday 09:00 to 16:00.
Please note, the offices are closed as per the above-mentioned dates, and therefore our phone line opening hours will be affected on the following dates:
Please note that the bank holiday hours and rates can be different for each client, we strongly suggest that you double check with your consultant to ensure you are aware when you will be paid bank holiday rate.